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2018 Week 11 - Flexing with Purpose

As we have launched in 2018 with intentionality and purpose we are bound to meet obstacles, roadblocks and occasionally doubt.   A person...

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

2018 -Week 25 - Reclaiming My Time

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Time is Up! Play Time is Over!  Women of The Heightening We must reclaim our time! 

It is imperative that we put away the things that steal, kill, and destroy our time.  Time is the one thing once it is spent you can not get it back.

On Saturday, a senior in high school gave remarks at the scholarship luncheon and she said encouraged the graduating seniors to get comfortable with being uncomfortable because that is what you need to be to move ahead. 

This morning that is our call we spend too much time trying to be comfortable.

As women who are leading, we have excellent skills in many areas of our lives.  We multitask well, we have a vision, we execute, we also fall prey to losing time to unproductive habits.  Many of those habits have been developed as coping mechanisms to ease discomfort.  They are crutches to help us get through.  Ladies, I encourage you to reclaim your time.  Your gifts and talents are needed in this season. 

This conversation is for you.  You who knows that you are spending too much time trying to escape what is a purposeful path but not the most comfortable.  The enemy is stealing, killing and destroying your training time.  You are not learning the lessons needed in this season to prepare you for what is next.  You are being distracted in class. 

We know the difference between being in danger and being uncomfortable.  The Lord will reveal to you when you are in danger and he will provide a way of escape. 

That is not what we are talking about here.  We are talking about when you are in training.  When God has placed you in an arena to exercise discipline over your emotions, your tongue, your thoughts, and your actions.  This is the time for you to exercise patience and execute plans.

Actions Steps to Reclaim Your Time:

1. Have a plan for each area of your life
2. Have a daily plan
3. Know when you are spiraling
4. Set a timer
5. Be Uncomfortable
6. Be Vigilant

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