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2018 Week 11 - Flexing with Purpose

As we have launched in 2018 with intentionality and purpose we are bound to meet obstacles, roadblocks and occasionally doubt.   A person...

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 Day 37 Reject Rejection

This 40 Day Surrender Fast is entitled the Launch.  God has called us to launch into the new.  He has challenged us to surrender, to give up, to release fear and to stand in His truth.  To stand in His truth we will have to live 1 Corinthians 13:11, which was a scripture from yesterday's reading.  When  I was a child I spoke as a child; but when I became a (wo)man, I put away childish things.

The childish thing I will talk about today is taking things personally.  We cannot be sensitive in the next phase of our life.  Let me clarify, our sensitivities must shift.  We need to be sensitive to the holy spirit and God's calling and not to the wimps of people. 

God is calling you to a higher plane of living.  Today's scripture Luke 10:1-20 gives us insight and tips to be obedient to God's calling.  The questions I pose to you are :

  • Can we do what we are called to do? 
  • Can we stand in the face of rejection?

The hardest part for me about rejection is believing that I did not accomplish my goal.  When I do what I believe God has called me to do and I don't get expected results.  I analyze; I want to understand what I could have done better.  I have to come to realize, some things are not about me…it's not personal.  Luke 10:5 says to share your peace if it is not accepted it will return to you.  Luke 10:10-11 says if you are not welcome, then wipe the dust from the town from your feet.  God will send you places and you are not received, it's not personal.

Verse 20 gave me a new perspective.  However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”  The victory is in being obedient and having our name written in heaven.  We are to be submitted to Christ and obedient to His word.  If we do what He says, we are winning!

The tip for Tips and Technique Tuesdays is to develop a system to implement your new calling or habit.  We have to put away childish things and not be subject to our feelings, the weather, or those around us. 

If you are going to eat healthier, then develop your menu for the week and stick to it.  Reframe from emotional eating based on what is happening that day. If you packed a salad, eat the salad.

If you are going to exercise, take your clothes out the night before.  When you get up in the morning, put on your exercise clothes and exercise. Do not be subject to the weather or how you feel about exercising. 

Follow your system until you have developed muscle memory or until it is second nature. When you can do it in spite of your feelings. you are winning!

Listen to today's full podcast - Dial into 1-218-339-7815 Access Code 277 7154#

The Action Plan:
Read the bible and the book
Journal your thoughts
Attend the conference call -Monday -Friday- 7:00 am - The conference number is 218-339-7815 -Access Code: 499 082#.

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